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 | John Pack Home watercolor painting by Susan Gallacher
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 | John Pack Journal transcript in Microsoft Word format
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 | John Pack Journal transcript of John Pack's Journal in text format.
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr and Mary Marshall son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack lookalike Darrell Jolley descendant of Ward Eaton Pack
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 | John Pack Tombstone
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 | Julia Eleanor Pack
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 | Julia Ives
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 | Julia Ives
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 | Julia Ives
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 | Julia Ives and Erastus Frederick Pack
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 | Julia Ives Home abt 72 N Main Kamas, Utah
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 | Julia Ives home in Salt Lake City
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 | Julia Ives home in Salt Lake City
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 | Julia Ives home in Salt Lake City
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 | Julia Ives, Nancy Aurelia Boothe, headstone, Salt Lake City Cemetery Status: Not yet located;
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![Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [MS Word file] Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [MS Word file]](img/histories_thumb.png) | Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [MS Word file] Transcription of Julia Ives' handwritten journal
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![Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [PDF file] Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [PDF file]](img/histories_thumb.png) | Julia Ives: A Short Scetch of My Life [PDF file] Transcription of Julia's handwritten journal. Journal privately held by Annette Frederickson, Salt Lake City.
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 | Kamelia Luella Pack daughter of Mary Jane Walker Pack
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 | L to R Phyllis Pratt Pack Hoppie, Ivan Phillip Pack, Mary Rosetta Tolbert, Rufus Pack Jr
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 | Leslie E Pack Status: Not yet located;
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 | Life of Mary Jane Walker Pack by Frederick J. Pack History of Mary Jane Walker Pack, includes her Patriarchal Blessing
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 | Link to John Pack and Ruth Mosher Pedigree Chart
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 | Lucy Amelia Pack daughter of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | Lucy Giles Pack home abt 200 W Center St Kamas, Utah
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 | Lucy Jane Giles family Ida William Inez sitting
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 | Lucy Jane Giles Pack
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 | Marguerite Christine Jacobson wife of Adelbert Roberts Pack
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 | Martha Mary Pack daughter of Ruth Mosher and John Pack
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 | Mary Arrinda Parke Burbidge This is a photo of Mary Arrinda Parke Burbidge as a young women just before she married Ward Parley Burbidge.
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack wife of John Pack
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack wife of John Pack
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack wife of John Pack
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack wife of John Pack
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack older photo
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack headstone, Bountiful, UT Status: Not yet located;
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack home 528 N 660 W, Bountiful, Utah
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack home 528 N 660 W, Bountiful, Utah
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack home 528 N 660 W, Bountiful, Utah
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 | Mary Jane Walker Pack in buggy. wife of John Pack
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 | Merrit Newton Pack son of Julia Ives and John Pack
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 | Merrit Newton Pack and Nancy Amelia Tolbert
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 | Myrtle Pack
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 | Myrtle Pack daughter of Erastus Frederick Pack
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 | Myrtle Pack 80 years old
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 | Myrtle Pack 4 years old - daughter of Erastus Frederick Pack