1 |
 | Alice Claire Pack daughter of Don Elbert Pack
2 |
 | Alice Claire Pack daughter of Don Elbert Pack
3 |
 | Alice Claire Pack daughter of Don Elbert Pack
4 |
 | Alice Claire Pack daughter of Don Elbert Pack
5 |
 | Alta Pack daughter of Erastus Frederick
6 |
 | Amanda Jane Pack wife of Erastus Frederick Pack
7 |
 | Blaine Moody Pack son of Erastus Frederick Pack
8 |
 | Don Carlos Pack
9 |
 | Don Elbert Pack son of Don Carlos Pack
10 |
 | Eleanor Philotta Pack daughter of Julia Ives and John Pack
11 |
 | Emma Cordelia Lambert wife of Don Carlos Pack
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 | Erastus Frederick Pack
13 |
 | Erastus Frederick Pack son of Julia Ives and John Pack
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 | Erastus Frederick Pack
15 |
 | Erastus Frederick Pack
16 |
 | Erastus Frederick Pack 78 years old
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 | Erastus Frederick Pack (bottom right), Merrit Newton Pack (bottom left)
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 | George Caleb and Charlotte Pack and grandchildren
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 | George Caleb Pack son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | George Caleb Pack by store in Kamas, Utah.
21 |
 | Harriet Emily Pack wife of Don Elbert Pack
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 | Joel Anthony Pack son of Erastus Frederick, 3 years old.
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 | Joel Pack son of Erastus Frederick Pack, and horse
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 | Joel Pack and others group photo
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack Jr and Mary Marshall son of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | John Pack lookalike Darrell Jolley descendant of Ward Eaton Pack
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 | Julia Ives and Erastus Frederick Pack
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 | Julia Ives home in Salt Lake City
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 | Julia Ives home in Salt Lake City
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 | Lucy Amelia Pack daughter of John Pack and Julia Ives
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 | Merrit Newton Pack son of Julia Ives and John Pack
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 | Merrit Newton Pack and Nancy Amelia Tolbert
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 | Myrtle Pack 80 years old
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 | Myrtle Pack
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 | Myrtle Pack daughter of Erastus Frederick Pack
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 | Myrtle Pack 4 years old - daughter of Erastus Frederick Pack
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 | Myrtle Pack Myrtle (left) and a cousin
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 | Nancy Amelia Tolbert wife of Merrit Newton Pack
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 | Sedenia Pack 58 years old.
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 | Sedenia Pack Dunford 8 years old
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 | Sedenia Pack Dunford 5 years old
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 | Sedenia Pack Dunford and Richard?
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 | Sedenia Tamson Pack daughter of Julia Ives
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 | Sedenia Tamson Pack daughter of Julia Ives and John Pack
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 | Sedenia Tamson Pack daughter of Julia Ives
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 | Selena Carpenter wife of Ward Eaton Pack, and group photo
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 | Simon Pack Baker