Kamas, Utah
Kamas, Utah
We were very saddened to hear of Clyde Pack’s passing recently. Clyde served for several years as President of The John Pack Family Association, was heavily involved in fundraising for the organization, and in the creation of the John Pack Home, and did some of the work on, John Pack as Revealed in the Records book.
His obituary is here and please also share memories of him on his tribute wall: https://www.myers-mortuary.com/obituary/Clyde-Pack
There will be a viewing for Clyde Pack at the Myers Mortuary in Roy UT on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. The address is 5850 S 1900 W, Roy, UT 84067. It will be from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
If you can’t make it to the viewing on the 22nd, there will be a viewing before the funeral on December 23rd from 9:30 am to 10:30 am at the chapel at 5850 South 2575 West, Roy, UT. The funeral will follow the viewing at 11:00 am.”
To connect with other John Pack family members, please consider, joining our Facebook group, signing up for our newsletter, and attending our reunion.
You can now open up John Pack’s genealogy in PAF using our John Pack Gedcom File (Right-click with your mouse on this text and select “Save Linked File As…” from the popup menu).
We now have hundreds of photos of John Pack and his descendants in our JPFA Photo Album. You can view the photos, add your comments to help identify or add information about them, or submit your own photo from a digital camera or scanner.
Please see the donate page for more ways you can help with genealogy, photos, documents, or cash donations.
We now have over 1,000 pages of John Pack’s progenitor genealogy online. Click on the links below to see what genealogy we have and what is missing.
You can also view the “Pack” genealogy forum on genealogy.com, or contact Kathleen P. Skinner, John Pack Family Association Genealogist, with your genealogy question.
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Current condition of headstone ^, Original condition V |
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Dear John Pack Family Descendants, What a wonderful reunion we had in August! Congrats to Gary Pack on pulling on the parts together. Margie Grider our Facebook manager showed us around the John Pack Home with ease. Tracy Carr and Gary Pack’s children managed the online broadcast. Diane Quist and Gary Pack provided our lunches with creamies to end. Our program was amazing, focusing on Eliza Jane Graham. Brian Stutzman provided history on her involvement at the trial after the murder of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith. Nancy Potter, a descendant of Eliza gave insight to her life after leaving Nauvoo, and John Pack. Of course we sang the Alphabet Kids song and shared a few other stories about Nancy Booth and John. Thanks to Andi Zorn for managing the finance for the event. Now it is time to move forward! We want to welcome all descendants of John Pack and his wives to continue to gather together. How many current descendants are living? Help us know. Join the Facebook groups and talk to each other. As we turn to our ancestry, may we seek out those not yet found. Let’s learn about their lives, gather stories, documents and the historical events they lived in. TheGenealogy Committee under President Kathleen Skinner will meet soon to discuss our future projects. We would like to see a re-start of our DNA project to connect us firmly to New Jersey and across to England. We also have the 1750 gravestone of Job Pack, Elizabeth, and son John to replace in the Rahway Cemetery, New Jersey. Our shared Pack lines of Buckhout, Marsh and Greene could use some work, too. I invite anyone interested to join a Committee. Committee Needs: Technology with the websites and DNA gathering. DNA Project manager, Newsletter Editor, Reunion 2023 planning, Helpers under the Vice Presidents including Facebook, Ancestral researchers . Lucy Janes GILES and Jessie Belle STIRLING VP’s. John Pack Family Executive Committee … October 2021 President: Kathleen Skinner … kpskin@yahoo.com Secretary: Tracy W. Carr … tracywcarr@gmail.com Treasurer: Brenda Rees … brees53@yahoo.com Vice Presidents: Laura Dieckmann – VP Julia IVES … packlaura@hotmail.com Diane Quist – VP Nancy BOOTH … dandd.quist@gmail.com Heather Pack – VP Ruth MOSHER … machther@gmail.com Jennifer Browning – VP Mary Jane WALKER … jenniferbrowning344@gmail.com Brad Pack – Website Manager … bradpack007@gmail.com johnpackfamily.com Larry Skinner – Membership Assistant … kc7iij@gmail.com David R Pack – Historian/ Genealogy Webmaster … davidpack@cableone.com Margie Grider – Facebook Manager … americangothic@msn.com Sincerely, Kathleen Skinner / JPFA President Contact: kpskin@yahoo.com 801-513-7364 587 East 700 South Centerville, Utah 84014 |
Save the date
Hello John Pack family members and friends! Our reunion is less than a week away! I hope you are planning on attending if you can!
Please fill out this survey if you have not had a chance to do so:
I want to bring up a few things about the reunion so we will all have a little more information.
First, that we have HUGE DISCOUNTS on the This is the Place Heritage Park passes available for those who come the John Pack home and buy them from us! It will cost $5 instead of $15! Come and enjoy this amazing park!
Next, we will be offering lunches which can be purchased for $10 each! They include a ½ sandwich (very large), a pickle, a cookie, a mint, and a salad (frog eye, potato, or fruit). We will have bottled water and Creamies for everyone also! The following sandwich options will be available:
· Turkey and Swiss on honey wheat
· Ham and Havarti cheese on sourdough
· Roast Beef and Provolone on 13 grain and Dijon horseradish
· Vegetarian on 13 grain with cheddar cheese, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, red pepper, avocado, and pesto mayonnaise
Please let us know how many lunches you want by email, here packgb44@gmail.com and we will make sure we get those ordered for you!
Then, we are looking for several new John Pack Family Association (JPFA) volunteer Officers. Here are the positions we are looking for with some very high-level ideas of what they might be doing:
· JPFA President – Helps organize Committee, contributes to the monthly JPFA Newsletter, sets up committee meetings, delegates tasks to Committee Members, and other tasks.
· JPFA Secretary – Organizer and communicator extraordinaire! Helps the Committee stay on task!
· JPFA Treasurer – Manages the bank account and handle accounting needs, including the tax-exempt status of our non-profit organization.
· JPFA Vice Presidents for Wife Groups – The ideal is to have at least one of these for each of the six wives that John had children through! They help gather and communicate with their Wife Group descendants and lead genealogical efforts for that Wife Group.
· JPFA Genealogy Committee Members – Anyone who wants to help! We have multiple projects in mind that we need to talk about, decide on, and execute!
Please think about volunteering to help us if you are so inclined! Also, think of your family members and cousins that you may believe would do a good job on this kind of opportunity! We are looking to really move forward with some great things into the future!
I love our shared heritage and the pioneering spirit that has been so central to my life because of John Pack and so many others that have given us so much to be proud of and humbled by!
See many of you soon!
Gary Pack
JPFA President
REMEMBERING OUR ANCESTORS—written by Margie Grider, Historian 8/2/2021
I woke up with a song in my head, “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” that Joseph Smith sung before he was martyred.
A poor wayfaring Man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer nay.
I had not pow’r to ask his name,
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love; I knew not why.
and I thought of John Pack and his pioneer wives, and the sacrifices they each gave to be true to the gospel and a new religion. I am not comparing our ancestor to Joseph Smith, John was far from being perfect or not always loving in his personality, he was quite gruff and unrefined, but his heart was all in to serving God in this new religion. Our ancestors gave up much and were deeply committed. Thinking about the joys and trials that John and his wives went through. Each, independently converted to the gospel, willing to give up homeland and often family to be baptized and join the effort to create Zion in America. Six wives asked to marry and have children with a man they barely knew. One, Eliza Jane Graham left, and that took courage too. It also took courage to stay.
JOHN WAS ALL IN, NO MATTER THE DIFFICULTIES! Took on responsibilities of 8 wives. Purchased and lost land in several states, deaths of family members, sacrifice for church, persecution, illness and fear. Journeys across country for safety, living polygamy life with strangers, John marrying 3 extra wives at the same time, setting up life in a harsh environment like Winter Quarters, early Salt Lake, Bountiful and Kamas. Life was never easy, even when Salt Lake City became more civilized.
WHAT CAN I DO to honor their lives? How do I learn about them? What can we do to remember them? How can I connect with other descendants? Study FamilySearch, and family websites for histories and photos, sharing their stories to other family members, attend family reunions, donate $’s and pay dues, inform other people of the JPFA, collecting family emails and updating contact lists, message people updating genealogy with ideas and collaborate on research. Share modern technology skills with older family gives older generations a chance to share memories with young people whose computer skills come naturally. Volunteering, no matter how small the service feels, is a huge thing. Without service this family association does nothing, shrivels up and dies. Compared to the daily service of John, his wives and children; serving on the JPFA is a small sacrifice, with many rewards.
Join us at the This is the Place Heritage Park on Saturday August 11th for our John Pack Family Reunion!
Watch this page to see more details, and go to our John Pack Family Facebook page to get more information there too!
Hope to see many of you there!
2018 Reunion will be held on Saturday August 11th at This Is the Place Heritage Park– The John Pack Home, Registration begins at 9:30am–Reunion starts at 10am-2PM. – Margie Grider
Please join us for the 2018 John Pack Family Reunion!
The Reunion will be held at The John Pack Home, in This Is The Place Park, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reunion family members get into the park free, and can roam the park free. Buildings, activities and train rides have a fee (half off wrist bands will be available). A great bargain for attending This is the Place Park with your family and a great chance to meet extended family members.
We will have food, fun skits and reports on our ancestors, the chance to meet your cousins and other relatives, and all the FUN at the This Is The Place Park!
Click below to buy a delicious Dutch Oven: Ribs, Potatoes, and Salad lunch.
***Note: You do NOT need to join paypal.com to purchase a lunch, just make the purchase as a guest.