Thomas Mitchell
Margaret Williams
Constant Mitchell


Family Links

1. John Forbes Colonel

2. John Briggs
3. John Briggs

Constant Mitchell

  • Born: 1614, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts
  • Marriage: (1): John Forbes Colonel 1637, Plymouth, Bridgewater, Massachussetts
  • Marriage: (2): John Briggs 1662, Sandwich, , Massachussetts
  • Marriage: (3): John Briggs 1662, Of Portsmouth, Newport, RI
  • Died: 1661, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, at age 47
  • Buried: Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusettes

bullet   Ancestral File Number: 4HS9-ZV.


Constant married John Forbes Colonel, son of Rev. John Forbes Reverend and Christian Barclay, in 1637 in Plymouth, Bridgewater, Massachussetts. (John Forbes Colonel was born in 1631 in Of, Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, died in 1661 in , Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusettes and was buried in 1661 in Sandwich, Bristol/Barnstab, Massachusetts.)


Constant also married John Briggs in 1662 in Sandwich, , Massachussetts.


Constant also married John Briggs in 1662 of Portsmouth, Newport, RI.


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